【原版】《我怎能不歌唱-How Can I Keep from Singing》合唱钢琴伴奏谱_五线谱正谱_11页

【原版】《我怎能不歌唱-How Can I Keep from Singing》合唱钢琴伴奏谱_五线谱正谱_11页



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how can i keep from singing——我怎能停止歌唱
My life goes on in endless song——我的生命在无尽的歌声中延续
above earth’s lamentations——(那些歌声)飘荡在大地的悲叹之上
I hear the real, though far-off hymn——我听到了赞歌,虽然遥不可及
that hails a new creation.——那是为新的创造而欢呼
Through all the tumult and the strife——透过这一切喧哗和纷争
I hear it’s music ringing,——我听到了音乐的声音
It sounds an echo in my soul.——它在我的灵魂里有着回声(个人觉得可以再意译一下变成“那回声荡涤着我的灵魂”)
How can I keep from singing?——我怎能停止歌唱
While though the tempest loudly roars,——虽然风暴在吼叫
I hear the truth, it liveth.——我听到了真实,那是他的臣民
And though the darkness ’round me close,——虽然我周围满布黑暗
songs in the night it giveth.——那夜间的歌声令他作呕(?)
No storm can shake my inmost calm,——任何风暴都无法撼动我内心的平静
while to that rock I’m clinging.——我执着地面对着那磐石
Since love is lord of heaven and earth——因为爱才是天地间的主宰
how can I keep from singing? ——我怎能停止歌唱?
When tyrants tremble in their fear——暴君在恐惧中颤栗
and hear their death knell ringing,——(那是因为)听到他们的丧钟敲响
when friends rejoice both far and near——无论远近的朋友开始欢庆
how can I keep from singing?——我怎能停止歌唱
In prison cell and dungeon vile——无论在牢房还是恶劣的地牢中
our thoughts to them are winging,——我们的思想都是他们的寓意翅膀
when friends by shame are undefiled——无论朋友被羞辱被玷污
how can I keep from singing?——我怎能停止歌唱
